Monday, January 21, 2013

Ontario Mills

After running non-stop for ten days, we were ready for a break. When we woke up this morning, we were number 9 of 11 on a 6-a-day board. Yay! We can goof off today without worrying too much about being dispatched.

So while picking at our breakfasts, we discussed how to spend our free day. At first we thought we'd rent a car and go explore, but Hoss mentioned the outlet mall about a mile north of the truckstop. Well, why not?

So we freshened up, put on our sneakers, and hoofed it to the Ontario Mills mall:

Doesn't that look EXACTLY like you'd expect an LA mall to look?

It was pretty slow when we first arrived, so we had a chance to explore without being rushed by a crowd. Nordstrom's? Saks, Coach, Movado? Nope, not my style, any of it. But! There's an awesome shop there that I absolutely fell in love with! Named the Pin-Up Bootique, it specializes in clothing like this: . How awesome is that!? Can't you just see me pumping diesel at 4 a.m. in one of those vampy dresses? *sigh*

We decided to take in a movie - "Django Unchained", as a matter of fact. I adore Tarantino's stuff, and this one didn't disappoint. I'm still grinning. LOVED IT!

After the movie, we wandered through the rest of the mall, then stopped to get much-needed haircuts. Then we hit the food court:

I ordered a Burrito Bowl, which is exactly like it sounds. Hoss couldn't resist a regular ol' burrito. Chipotle rawks.

We're up to number 5, so odds are that we'll be out of here tomorrow. Like Texas, leaving California means good miles, and we likes dem miles!

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