Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Las Pinas, Texas

In order to position ourselves for a quick load, we deadheaded from Laredo to Houston on Monday. About 30 minutes into the trip, we ran into a roadblock due to an accident (it was a very bad accident, btw). Highway 59 was shut down for nearly an hour while emergency people did their thing. In another state, we would probably have detoured around it and continued on our way. But this is South Texas. A detour around that wreck would have entailed an 80 mile jaunt; it made more sense to sit and wait. Almost everyone did the same. In all that time, only 40 or so vehicles backed up.

The GPS said we were in Las Pinas, Texas, but Google Maps can't find a town by that name. Just look up Laredo in Maps - and yes, it really is that desolate. I love Texas. :)

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